
1b32ffcd anonymous 2011-07-12 22:42

1 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there an upset?

2 Concerning ーーーーーー,  are you pissed about something?

3 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a disappointment?

4 Concerning ーーーーーー, has someone invalidated you?

5 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something about which you've
been sad?

6 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a problem?

7 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a conflict?

8 Concerning ーーーーーー,  is there a distraction?

9 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something you feel guilty

10 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something you're ashamed to
talk about?

11 Concerning ーーーーーー, is there something you're afraid of some
one finding out?

12 Concerning ーーーーーー,  do you have a lot of critical thoughts?

13 Concerning ーーーーーー,  do you have a fear?
[Immediately get what the fear is.]

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